Why does the company’s productivity not improve despite the support of experts?

Strategic leadership principles 

Dear leaders, around us, you will encounter many individuals who proudly declare, “We don’t bother with small matters” or “We don’t pay attention to minor things.” Some of these people may not have had a strong start in their careers, yet as strugglers, they overlook small tasks, opportunities, or minor matters. Instead, they wait for a big opportunity and waste their time doing so. However, this attitude is not characteristic of a good leader or entrepreneur. A leader who disregards small successes, minor matters, or small profits cannot sustain their success or reputation in the long run.

leadership quotes fail success
leadership qualities – Failure

Dear leaders, while waiting for a big opportunity or massive success, one should not neglect these small opportunities. Waiting idly without doing any work only encourages laziness, which can affect your intelligence.

If you observe carefully around you, those who question the value of small tasks are usually individuals who do not appreciate the importance of their work or professional status. Their minds are constantly preoccupied with commercial matters, trying to figure out how to extract more significant profits easily.

leadership qualities
leadership qualities

Leadership Theories in organizational behavior | leadership qualities

In business, our contacts are our assets. However, in networking, many people tend to ignore small contacts, thinking, “What use are these to us?” Always remember that the big shot you are hanging around with won’t talk to you in the same way. They also prefer to sit with people at their level. If they consider you small!”

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Instead of focusing on the big fish, having a proper network with small but capable individuals can lead to the expected growth.

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Similarly, there are many small efforts that matter, such as organizing your table files, replacing your blanket properly when you wake up, and many other seemingly small tasks that have a profound influence on your day, year, and career. In short, achieving big success isn’t the result of one big thing but rather paying attention to these small things. This attitude is crucial for a leader.

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leadership styles – File organizer

Take, for example, India’s giant companies. The Tata Group started its business from a small office, and the history of Reliance Industries shows a similar journey.

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Tata steel – Tata business

When it comes to multinational companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Disney, they all began with small offices and have now reached incredible market valuations.

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Even our space agency, ISRO, used a cycle to transport its rocket and coconut trees as makeshift launch pads.

ISRO - leadership styles

The point is to learn to use even the smallest of things for your work requirements and not disregard them. Step by step, a leader who values these small steps will climb higher, ultimately leading to significant success.

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leadership quotes – Success

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